Once Upon a Doodle: Sunflowers!
Thursday August 17
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Price: $15.00 (Pre-registration is required)

Price: $15.00 (Pre-registration is required)
Join us for a special Sunflower themed Once Upon A Doodle class! We’ll paint a tile to create our very own sunflower art after joining together for some songs and stories!
This event is perfect for your little ones aged 1-5! Please note that some tiny painters might need a little assitance from their grownup
$15 plus tax per child (includes 4″ tile, circle time and snack). Registration is required, and can be done by filling out the form below (please include your child’s name and age in the comments)
Registrations must be in by Wednesday August 16 5:00pm