Kids Summer Art Class: Tie Dye Snail
Wednesday July 10
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Price: $34.00 (Pre-registration is required)

Price: $34.00 (Pre-registration is required)
Shello there! Let’s escar-go-nuts making Tie Dye Snails. This kid friendly project is perfect for all ages, and so easy that anyone can snail-it. Instructional Kids’ Classes run Wednesdays 10:30am-12:30pm for kids ages 5+. $30/class includes supervision, pottery project, games & Boston Pizza lunch! Enjoy 2 hours to yourself while the kids get messy and have fun.
Please note your choice of pizza and juice in the comments!
Pizza options are: Cheese, Pepperoni + Cheese, Hawaiian, or Veggie!
Juice options are: Orange or Apple
Fill out a form below to register.
Prefer to paint on a different date, or create something different? Make a general reservation here to paint in studio.