Baby Print Party – MistleTOES
Tuesday November 19
10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Price: $10.00 (Pre-registration is required)
Price: $10.00 (Pre-registration is required)
It’s Holiday season! Come down to Crock-a-Doodle and make the perfect holiday gift with these adorable MistleTOES Prints!
Price is based on pottery piece(s) chosen. A $10 deposit is required to secure your spot and will be taken off your total on the day of the event.
*1 Attendee = 1 Adult & Child(ren), you do not need to pay a second deposit for any children that attend.
Please fill out the form below to register and secure your table. If you plan to come with friends, please note their name(s) in the comments so we can ensure you are seated together, otherwise all sign ups will be given their own table.
Note this event is open for drops in from 11-2pm! Can’t make it then? Reserve a table and come in to make it on another day: