
1398 Gordon Street, Guelph, ON, N1L 1C8


Video Recording Policy

Crock A Doodle Video Recording Policy

Thank you for your interest in the Crock A Doodle brand and your desire to share your creative experience with others via video recording or live streaming. We would like to accommodate your request provided you understand and adhere to our brand expectations. We have created this policy to provide guidelines for customers, influencers and content creators wishing to video record or live stream within a Crock A Doodle studio. Our goal is to create a welcoming studio environment while ensuring the safety and privacy of all customers and employees, as well as protecting the integrity of the Crock A Doodle brand.

1. Authorization and Permission

  • All video recording or live streaming activities within the store must be pre-approved by Crock A Doodle management.
  • Customers, influencers, or third-party content creators wishing to live stream or record video should submit a request at least 48 hours in advance. We may accommodate faster approvals at our discretion.
  • If granted permission, the video recorder or live streamer must follow the rules outlined in this policy.

2. Designated Studio Areas

  • Video recording or live streaming is only allowed in designated areas of the studio. Certain areas, such as point of sale, party room/area, employee-only zones, and high-traffic aisles, may be restricted.
  • Content that is recorded or streamed in other areas without prior approval may be subject to removal or termination.

3. Customer and Employee Privacy

  • Customer Consent: Any video recording or live streaming that captures customers must have the consent of the individuals being filmed.
  • Employee Consent: Employees of Crock A Doodle may not be filmed or featured without their consent. Any employee who does not wish to be filmed will notify the video recorder or live streamer who must comply with their request.

4. Behavior and Conduct

  • All video recording or live streaming activities must not disrupt the normal operation of the studio or disturb other customers.
  • Video recording or Live streamers must maintain a professional and respectful demeanor while inside the studio.

5. Equipment Guidelines

  • Mobile Devices: Smartphones, tablets, and similar handheld devices may be used for live streaming or recording.
  • Prohibited Equipment: Use of large filming equipment, such as tripods or lights, require special approval from store management.

6. Content Restrictions

  • Branding and Product Visibility: Video recording and Live streamers must not create content that misrepresents Crock A Doodle or its products. Content that is offensive, defamatory, or violates copyright laws is strictly prohibited.
  • Promotions and Commercial Use: Content creators or influencers who wish to promote products for commercial gain (e.g., affiliate links, sponsored posts) must disclose their commercial relationships. Influencers may need a separate agreement to coordinate promotions.
  • Music and Copyright: Any use of copyrighted music, videos, or other media during the video recording or live stream is strictly prohibited unless prior permission has been obtained from the copyright holder.

7. Liability and Compliance

  • Liability: Video Recorders or Live streamers assume full responsibility for any accidents or injuries that occur as a result of their activities within the store.
  • Indemnification: Video Recorders or Live streamers agree to indemnify and hold harmless Crock A Doodle, its employees, and agents from any legal claims, liabilities, or damages arising from the video recording or live streaming activity.
  • Compliance: Video Recorders or Live streamers are expected to adhere to all applicable laws, including but not limited to privacy laws, copyright laws, and advertising regulations.

8. Termination of Video Recording

  • Crock A Doodle reserves the right to terminate live streaming or recording at any time if it is deemed disruptive, inappropriate, or if the live streamer violates any aspect of this policy.
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