
St. Paddy’s Day

Mar 16, 2017

A brief caption about the image.

St. Paddy’s day for the kiddos is a day of fun where they get to dress in green the whole day and get green candies to snack on. If this day lands on a school day, some teachers are even nice enough to schedule in some fun games just to keep the spirits up during the day. For adults, this day is one where they can unwind after work or on the weekend with a green beer or 2… or more!

Fun fact: St. Patrick’s day was not always celebrated with beer! Ireland had this day set as a religious holiday for the whole country so that meant that pubs were closed for those. This lasted 67 years between 1903-1970 (International Business Times).

Fun fact 2: St. Patrick wasn’t Irish! He was born in Britain and then moved to Ireland. The more you know, huh?

If St. Paddy’s day is one you absolutely love to celebrate, especially to celebrate your Irish heritage, we have some ideas for really neat projects you can work on! Come on in to see what ideas we have for you or bring your own fun ideas to life!