
Nurture Creativity

Apr 7, 2021

A brief caption about the image.

Creativity and expression are an important aspect to a healthy life. Mental health, emotional wellbeing, mood, productivity and behaviour are all positively affected by artful creation. This means that in our current climate, it’s an important time to nurture creativity. Especially with children, who have had such a tough year. 

Honestly, we think kids have done an amazing job mitigating change during the pandemic.  They have adapted to online learning, had to pivot their extracurriculars to a virtual or distanced format, have less social interaction, and are feeling the stresses of this “new normal” too. As a result, they are also needing some opportunities for expression, creation, and colour. 

So if there are some littles in your life, who might be feeling a bit jumbled and disoriented from all of the change, we encourage you to nurture their creativity with Crock A Doodle.  Find a fun or functional piece that helps them dive into the world of colour.  Explore a project that teaches a new technique and skill. Allow them to wander through their imagination and paint their experience.  Crock A Doodle is on hand to help you nurture the creativity within kids. No matter what you choose, we promise that creating art is time well spent. 

 Every age and ability can benefit from nurturing creativity. Regular engagement with colourful artistic play is an awesome way to promote and encourage a healthy mindset. The possibilities of what you can create are endless, and the positive outcomes are real. 

To find a studio near you and start on a project click here 

For some inspiration on techniques check out our Youtube channel here