Classroom Projects
Nov 18, 2016
At this point in the year classroom projects are a major part of children’s time in school, most specifically for art class! It can sometimes become overwhelming to come up with brand new ideas for students to bring home to their loved ones during the holiday season. No matter what art project is done, parents will love it regardless, but it’s always nice to get a different and unique piece of work.
Holiday season is such an exciting time for us at Crock A Doodle because we get to be a part of so many different children’s lives in the classroom. Sometimes our staff has the privilege of visiting schools and helping out with making some holiday tiles or ornaments either for the kids themselves or their family members! If for some reason we are unable to visit a classroom, we send you all the pieces you need, baggies to add the names of the children so that once they are done their pieces, simply let them dry and pop them right into the bag! We would also supply you with paints and brushes for your classroom. This neat little tool is called our Doodle-To-Go which you can request any time of the year! Perfect for taking your time to paint a piece, bring it back and then pick it up once it has been glazed and fired!
If you’re thinking about having Crock A Doodle be a part of your classroom activities this holiday season, contact your local studio as soon as possible since holiday bookings do go very quickly during this very hectic season! We can let you know if it is possible to go there or if not, we can give you the complete low-down of a Doodle To Go kit! Any questions you may have about anything, we’re there to help!
Having trouble coming up with an idea to begin with? We have a couple of idea starters here on our page that can help out – most specifically for winter/Christmas will be under ‘Winter’ as well as under ‘Teacher’s Corner’. Needing more ideas? Just step on into your closest Crock A Doodle Studio and we will be more than happy to show you all of our different pieces that we have on display to help spark your creativity. Any help you need, we’ve got it for you!