May 13, 2020
We at Crock A Doodle would like to extend our gratitude to all Front Line and Essential Workers who are working to keep their communities, and our country, safe. Throughout April and May, we have had the privilege of personally thanking 25 of these amazing individuals with Take Home Painting Kits, with our #CADthanksyoualatte campaign. We had 150 heartwarming nominations that recognized that these every day heroes are working in a higher risk field, sacrificing time with their family, and managing increased stress and anxiety surrounding the pandemic. Take a look and read some of these heartwarming nominations here
We started #CADthanksyoualatte to pay tribute, to acknowledge the work being done in numerous fields, and to provide an opportunity for creative self care. Thank you to everyone who nominated someone; thank you to everyone who shared the information about our initiative; most of all, thank you all of the Front Line Workers and all essential services! We appreciate you and for everything you do!