Past Event

Free Pottery Painting at Woodland Kids Dental

Saturday June 4

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


We partnered with our new friends at @crockadoodleinguelphsouth to help create the best first event for the community of Guelph and surrounding areas.

Come out to Woodlawn Kids Dental located at 9 Woodlawn Road East 4th floor on Saturday June 4th, at 10am to paint pottery with your child(ren).

Spoiler alert: item to be painted may get your child excited to brush 2++ times a day 🦷 🪥🦑 🥳

Reserve your childs spot by emailing Woodland Kids Dental at:
[email protected] or simply dm Woodlawn Kids Dental!

🦖 Ages 1-16 are all welcome
🎨 FREE event
🗓June 4th at 10am
📣Share with other Moms

This is a past event.